Creating Mobile Contacts from Paper Lists with Ringya

Ringya originally launched it's mobile contact management app of the same name on iOS back in January. Allowing users to create mobile contacts by taking a picture of a paper list, one that many probably have stuck on their fridge, is something that folks with Android can now do as well with the Ringya Android app release

Ringya works by putting contacts into contextual groups, say co-workers, friends, etc. and when someone calls displays this information on the phone to put the call in context. So if someone from your kids school calls, it will display that association along with the persons name, 'John Smith' - Jane Smith's Father, Fair Oaks Elementary School', for instance, instead of just 'John Smith'.
Putting contacts in context like this has several other advantages as well. You can send text messages just to your co-workers for instance, alerting them to a meeting, or to your kids school's parents list, letting them know of school events, or perhaps to find someone to pick your kid up if you're running late.
Speaking to Mashable, Ringya CEO Gal Nachum insightfully comments, "...We can share all sorts of assets — videos over YouTube, images over Instagram, but one of the fundamental elements are contacts."
The app has been described as a 'Dropbox for contacts', and offers the ability to share contact groups, or 'rings' as they are called in the app as well sync rings when they are updated, with everyone on the list automatically. The app is available for free on Google Play or for iOS in the Apple Store. The company has said through it's site that Blackberry and Windows phone versions could also be available at a later date although no details are available.

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